Out of School Hours Care

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Before and After School Care Program

At SKiPPS we recognise the varied working hours of our families and offer the flexibility of extended out of school hours care.

Our daily Before and After school care program is provided by TeamKids. The program is available on a regular or casual basis and all families wishing to use the service must first register at www.teamkids.com.au

Once registered, bookings can be made online or over the phone.

Reasonable fees are charged for this service, with fee relief available for eligible parents. Further information is available by calling TeamKids directly on 1300 035 000.

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School Program Hours

  • 7:00 am until 8:45 am (with breakfast if required)
  • 3:30 pm until 6:15 pm (afternoon tea provided) as well as some Curriculum Days.

It is necessary to inform TeamKids if your child is enrolled on a particular day and is absent.

Telephone TeamKids on 0413 169 633 and speak with the Program Coordinator. If parents and carers need to cancel their booking, this can be done over the phone or via the TeamKids website..

All parents and carers are encouraged to register their child’s name with TeamKids in case of an emergency in which they are unable to pick up their child/children at 3.30pm.

Out of School Care

A care program for the holidays

TeamKids School Holiday Program Available Here!

TeamKids holiday programs are conveniently located here at your school, with extended hours to help families juggle work and home. Truth be told, TeamKids started out being Holiday Program specialists – so get set for an action packed adventure your children are sure to enjoy! During the school holidays, our focus is on FUN. Our programming team work with the school, parents and children to build the best possible program for your community, including a broad range of exciting experiences that include incursions, excursions and in-house activities that will ensure your child has an absolute blast every day.

Programs may include activities like cooking, bubble soccer, trampoline parks, epic excursions, super sports days, giant laser tag, art attack, coding, construction, maker days, STEM days, robotics and so much more.The Fun Squad is poised and waiting, so don’t delay, book into our holiday program today. To find out more, register or book,

To find out more, register or book

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