School Documents

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School Profile

Our vision

School Strategic Plan

The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) is derived from the School Strategic Plan (SSP). The SSP and the AIP directs the work of the Leadership Team, staff and School Council to address the goals and priorities for our children and our community.


Principal's Welcome

Our School

Annual Report to the School Community

The purpose of the annual report to the school community is to inform parents and the wider school community of the school’s successes, activities and achievements throughout the year. Schools are required to submit an annual report to the Department by 30 April each year.

Click here for our 2022 Annual Report

Our School

Parent Helpers Online Session

The general purpose of the School Parent Helper Program is to enrich and enhance student curriculum and to strengthen school-community relations. Please click on the link below to watch the video before volunteering at SKiPPS.

Parent Helper Online Session

Parent/Carer Payments 2024

Each year, all government schools request an annual Parent Payment (previously known as school fees) to cover the cost of essential learning items including all pencils, pens, exercise books, online subscriptions and excursions and activities.

The payments are used to cover expenditure not covered by Government funding and allow us to provide resources, materials and experiences to our students that would otherwise be impossible.

Without parent payments, we would only be able to provide a very basic ‘bare minimum’ education and so we really appreciate families making the payment to allow us to add so much to your child’s time at the school.

Our Parent Financial Contributions are in line with the Education Department Parent Payment Policy. This policy can be found here.

Visual Arts 5

School Policies

Our school aims to develop parent awareness of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and our school’s education policies and policy-making processes. We encourage appropriate involvement in this process, in particular to promote positive and supportive relationships between the home and school. For further information on the following school-council approved policies please contact the Principal or Assistant Principal:

Finance Policies

Governance Policies Timeline

Operations Policies Timeline