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Discovering new skills and understandings

Our Inquiry program

At SKiPPS we teach our Humanities, Technologies, and Science curriculum using an Inquiry approach.

Teams develop termly Inquiry Units based around a core ‘Essential Question’ and a series of ‘Content Questions’, all linked to the Victorian Curriculum.

Each term students are immersed in these topics and make links to this content across the curriculum. The content questions drive their learning as they discover new skills and understandings that allow them to address the Essential Question in a meaningful and informed way.


Inspiring and provoking curiosity

Science through inquiry

Science at SKiPPS is a hands-on experience that encourages students to think critically and question the world around them. We cover science concepts that relate to students’ own daily lives, as well as delving into areas that fascinate, provoke curiosity, and inspire.

Students are taught investigative processes and research design: they conduct a scientific investigation by asking a scientific question, making a prediction, and undertaking an investigation to test whether their prediction is correct. During this process, students learn to make critical observations and present their results in a variety of manners.

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Celebrating learning as a community

Home Learning

Families are encouraged to support and become involved in Inquiry learning through termly Home Learning tasks and regular open days to share and celebrate each learning unit.